Thursday, January 18, 2018

Round Two of Snow

As if the first big snow wasn't enough just a couple of weeks later we had more! This time we only got maybe an inch or so but it still meant more time off school and another chance to get to play in it. We were flying to Orlando two days after the snow was supposed to come and rather than chance not being able to make it to our house for the trip my mom decided to go ahead and come.  This meant she got to have a fun snow day with us! 

A and K liked the snow slightly more this round. By slightly I mean that they made it 20 minutes instead of 2 minutes. 

This time around I figured out since Andrew refused to walk in the snow it was much easier for me to just drag him on the  sled vs carrying his 33 pound self everywhere. 

More sledding!

Everyone was real happy about me taking this picture...

All four sledding at the same time!

We even convinced Nene to take a turn 

Kate actually really enjoyed it this day

We came inside and introduced A and K to hot chocolate

Let me rephrase this- Nene introduced the hot chocolate

We made some more snow cream

This batch was SO yummy 

That afternoon Nene and the boys went out to play one more time.  Hard to believe we would leave the snow and be in the pool just one day later! 

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