Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Beaching it!

We kicked off our summer with back to back weekends at the beach.  As the kids are getting older they are enjoying it more and more (and it's becoming slightly easier).  I'm looking forward to lots of beach memories over the next few months! 

Ryan and the kids spent a fun day at Harker's Island enjoying the beautiful weather and also celebrating Davis turning 3!

Apparently googles were a thing for these two 

Stare off between the girls

How sweet is this? I'm so glad Margaret has joined our family!

How is he already 3?!
The next weekend was Memorial Day. Ryan was off and we headed to Wilmington. 
We had lunch at the pool and this picture shows it all: lots of kids and David and I cutting food as fast as possible lol. 

When there aren't enough chairs you just share with your twin

That afternoon we went to the beach and I was just too tired to put everyone in bathing suits. I rationalized that I had to wash these clothes anyway so I was basically reducing the amount of laundry by letting them just get wet and dirty in what they had on! 

Cousin love 

Heart to heart on the dock 
Everyone loves to kayak!

David, Georgia, H, and James ended up going really far

Fishing time 

Getting some pointers from Uncle David 

My mom offered to watch the kids at nap time for us to run to lunch and we jumped on that opportunity. We ended up taking the boat to a restaurant on the water. 

There's no tired like taking your four kids to the beach tired. 

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