Monday, April 29, 2019

Egg Hunts

I feel like we spent half of April egg hunting!  The kids enjoyed it, especially Andrew and Kate.  

This year we hosted their class egg hunt. 

I have been to a lot of egg hunts and this is 100 percent the way to do it when they are young- everyone works together to fill the basket with eggs and then they are handed their bucket that is pre-filled to take home. SO much easier!

Snack time!

They have had a great year!

What could be in here? 

I went and helped hide eggs for the kindergarten hunt but I wasn't able to stay (I also helped four kindergarten classes make those tie dyed shirts and bunny containers but that's a whole different story, being the room mom isn't for the faint of heart, lol!)  Thankfully a friend sent me these pictures.  I love this sweet group of kids!

Andrew and Kate were invited to a neighborhood party/egg hunt.  They were so excited for it to be their turn to go to something special that the big boys weren't invited to. 

Boy vs. Girl:
 Boy- I refuse to look at the camera.
Girl- I will stand here with my fake smile all day if you need me to

Kate was so happy to see Ware from school 

The grand finale! 

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