Friday, November 17, 2017

Fall Sports

After basketball last winter we took an extended break from sports and extra activities.  James was very unhappy with me about this.  All of his friends were doing soccer and t-ball but it was just more than we could handle during that time which I'm sure was hard for a six year old to understand.  Finally this past fall I told him we would try again and he could pick one thing (no easy task for James who wants to do it all).  I was excited when he chose soccer!  He ended up with a sweet team and a great coach and it was a lot of fun to watch him play.  James is obsessed with sports and after this season I'm slowly resigning myself that I may end up being a sports mom after all. 

First practice 

Harrison was a good sport having to go to practices and games. 

I found this old picture of James in LA playing soccer. It was a disaster! We signed up during a time that we couldn't even afford to do it but did it anyway, he cried and threw fits and never wanted to play.  I'm happy to say that this time was a much better experience! 

"Go James!" 

Keeping up with these two was always an entertaining challenge at the games 

I have always had a "only one activity rule" but I ended up caving and letting him also do tennis!  The tennis court is less than a mile from us, he shares a lesson with three friends from school (whose mothers graciously bring him home for me) and it only cost about $6 a lesson. It was just too good to pass up!  Needless to say, he loves it too! 

He ended up being the goalie most games 

Great season orange team! 

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