Monday, August 12, 2013

James's 3rd Birthday- Shreveport

Several months before James's birthday I decided that the easiest party to do would be at In the Zone or the "jump house place" as he calls it. All I wanted was a place to show up and give a check because I knew with a 2 month old I would not be wanting to deal with a bunch of party planning.  I almost decided to not even have a party for him since we were going to be in NC for his real birthday but I wanted him to have a party with his friends since next year he probably won't have made any by his birthday!

The morning of the party Ryan was working and on call. I was really nervous that something would come up and he would miss the party and I would be on my own.  Thankfully he got back from the hospital at 9:22 that morning. We were supposed to leave at 9:30. I was in my bathrobe feeding the baby and neither kid was dressed. It was a little bit crazy! :)

$ Tree Balloons- best place to get balloons, they last forever!
Someone was really excited!
At the last minute my cake lady canceled on me. I panicked and started trying to figure out a cake and on a whim looked at what Kroger had in their catalog.  This cupcake cake only cost $20 and I will totally be doing more of these in the future. James loved it and I loved saving the $$$

It came with a train but I had bought "birthday Thomas" for the top 
Someone was really excited
 Since Harrison was in the fussy baby who has to be held all the time or he screams stage, I got our babysitter to meet us there. It was definitely helpful to have another pair of hands.

Chick-fil-a nuggets, goldfish, applesauce squeezers, and cupcakes. Not the healthiest but all his favorites!

Harrison finally passed out from all the excitement 

I can't believe I went down this thing

I always get a little nervous when James wants to hold the baby...

The funniest thing was on the way home Harrison (who absolutely hates his car seat) actually DIDN'T cry because he was so captivated by the balloons. I guess we just needed to keep them in our car always!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Harrison 2 Months

Some highlights of the second month:

Doctor's Appointment at 6 weeks
Weight: 10 lbs, 15 oz
Length 22 inches

Likes: looking at the animals that hang on the bouncy seat, being in the bathtub, wrinkling your forehead, eating, looking at toys, going to the farmer's market, tummy time, watching the mobile on the swing

Dislikes: having reflux, taking naps, the car seat, baby acne and cradle cap

It is hard being the younger brother

Getting good at holding that head up
The boys under the tent

Passed out in the Moby

First smiles
And funny faces

baby cross eyes
Happy that Daddy came home early

James had been begging since I was pregnant to give the baby a bottle. I was finally able to let him.

Early morning story time with Nene

When Harrison was 6 weeks old he and I flew for a quick weekend trip to NC so that we could go to Ashley's wedding. After having him I realized that there was no way I could travel with him and James alone at that point so James ended up staying behind. 

On the way to the airport and not looking happy about it!
6 weeks old and flying for the first of many times
Rebecca was kind to let us use her rock n play before Davis was even born

Hanging out with the bride
Harrison this has been a month battling reflux and trying to get you more comfortable.  You continue to grow and are getting a chubby look. You are in size one diapers and are almost out of all your newborn clothes.  You have learned to take a bottle and your daddy gives you one each night so you can have some special time with him.   We love having you in our family!